Kirsty, the sixth member of our current Australian contingency, arrived in Darwin earlier this week and took on the challenge of convincing the Australian authorities that our container full of tools and our solar car was clean and free of any plants, dust and biltong - silly them, we brought our biltong with us in our hand luggage. If you are a member of Australian customs, please be aware that, THAT WAS JUST A JOKE! Seriously though, we have all watched Border Security and know not to mess with you. Anyway, the process that is normally followed - after the mountains of paperwork I am certain no one really understands - is that any container entering Australia has to be completely unpacked and analysed for any spec of dirt or plant material before being allowed to enter the country. As you can imagine, after all the Border Security we watch, the team was fairly pedantic to say the least. Let's see what Kirsty had to say about her experience...

Karma was not on our side unfortunately, and the day did not start off well. While driving to the wharf, I heard a strange grumbling noise. I though perhaps after I had transported equipment yesterday, I simply hadn’t secured the seats back properly. After about 10km, a friendly Aussie started waving at me…I had a flat tyre. The decision was simple, to either drive on a flat tyre for the last few km, or to pull over and miss the unpacking…decision made. Needless to say the trip (albeit very short) was very stressful, especially with the added annoyance of the GPS continuously falling off the windscreen and resetting!

Sadly, the whole process had to be started again. To pack everything up and deliver it to our workshop. Thanks to the assistance from my new mate Glen the delivery man, we packed everything up onto pallets, wrapped it all up in cling film, and took it to the workshop. I had to take Hulamin on the back of a trailer.
Hulamin is now asleep safe and sound in the workshop, waiting for the rest of the team to finish their trek from Adelaide to put her back together.
Nice work guys!